Our Impact

In times of crisis, when public service employees are at their most vulnerable, Club Angel is here. We are always at the ready — and one of the few charities that help city, county and State of California employees during times of hardship; and delivering lifesaving emergency financial relief to public service employees.


911 Dispatcher Supporting Rest of Family

She lives at home with her parents and sister and is the only source of income for her family. Her father has recently become unemployed. Most of her income goes helping out her family. She is not sure if her father would be eligible for unemployment which is why she turned to Club Angels for help.

Anonymous, Los Angeles City Employee


A daughter with an upcoming major surgery

She works for the Department of Rec and Parks and is unable to work at the shelters to avoid the risk of exposing herself to COVID19 and possibly infecting her 6 year old daughter who is currently waiting to have a coronary artery surgery. She’s the sole income provider supporting her daughters (6 year old and 2 year old) and a husband who recently lost his job.

Anonymous, Los Angeles City Employee


Injured on the Job with a Baby on the Way

An Electrical Mechanic with LADWP suffered a setback as he is currently on Workers Comp. He has custody of his 10 yr old son and his fiancé is currently pregnant with a baby due in June. His fiancé has to take an early time off as she works at a hospital. Being pregnant, her doctor told her it was best to not be in that environment. Her income has also been impacted as it is too early for her to go on maternity leave.

Anonymous, LADWP Employee